Sunday, May 10, 2009


I got a knee problem cos i banged onto someone's knee the other day and it still hurting.
I also get a gastric problem due to very irregular eating times!
REST IT! 2 weeks no GYM!
any way i wanted to show u something cos no one dare to join the pros plae...

Featuring Jian LUN   as <.|3lacKd|2eaMs>
                       ME         as the blank one!

At first...they spammed
[17:11:32] TUNNEL ME TO JOIN my game! 
[17:32:22] TUNNEL ME TO JOIN MY GAME friends are welcome one JOINED! LUN suggested using chinese!
[17:33:17] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 来来。。。 来 的Game
[17:33:54] 来来。。。 来 的Game!!!!!
[17:34:00] 来我的游戏 装洞我  

direct translation from english : tunnel me in the game!

[17:35:24] 来来。。。 来我的游戏 顺便装洞我[17:36:11] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 来有帅哥来陪你玩!! 扣缴五元!!
[17:37:00] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 卡您那
[17:37:12] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 超级百
[17:37:38] 来来。。。 来我的游戏 顺便装洞我
[17:37:42] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 他你妈妈没有毛
[17:38:08] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 七个人le
[17:38:13] more birds  more luck

This is the credit card advertisment where a gal buys a bird...but the person told her: more birds more luck!so the sentence adds on...

[17:38:43] 来来。。。 来我的游戏 顺便装洞我 多一点鸟。多一点运气!
[17:38:47] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 看你妈妈
[17:39:16] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 最后一个白痴!  
[17:40:09] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 如果我能看得见!
[17:40:18] ni shi wo de yan

someone joined in the conversation

[17:40:20] 来来。。。 来 的Game!!!!! +1
[17:40:27] tiam la
[17:40:29] nnb

acting a gangstar..cos cant c face!

[17:40:34] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 好唱的好
[17:40:41] come in plae la
[17:40:47] dun tok
[17:40:49] jus cum
[17:41:06] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 果然是中国人... 同志!!
[17:41:25] 是我想太多 你總這樣說
[17:41:30] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 马特看你妈妈
[17:41:32] 但你確沒有真的心疼我
[17:41:53] 香港人?
[17:42:00] fei zhou ren
[17:42:03] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 不是
[17:42:08] 日本人
[17:42:09] wo bu si ren
[17:42:11] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 我是华人!!
[17:42:15] 哦= =
[17:42:17] hei ren
[17:42:44] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 打败keh leng kia!!!
[17:42:54]  u racist is it
[17:42:54] =.=

one more person joined in

[17:43:04] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 他妈的
[17:43:08] i nigga cannot ar
[17:43:11] LOLS
[17:43:16] 来来。。。 来我的游戏 顺便装洞我 多一点鸟。多一点运气!    
[17:43:17] zhung dong = tunnel?
[17:43:18] LOLS
[17:43:23] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 卡尼纳布
[17:43:27] 呵呵呵
[17:43:30] stfu 
[17:43:33] IS 装洞 tunnel?
17:43:37] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 使得
[17:43:41] LOL
[17:43:43] shi de
[17:43:45] ROFLMFAO
[17:43:45] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 是的
[17:43:47] u dun understand is it?
[17:43:50] AHAHAH
[17:43:53] u got dick or not?
[17:43:57] ?
[17:43:58] 是的
[17:43:59] ..
[17:44:01] pervert..
[17:44:13] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 马脚,你很靠佩

he saeing me...matoe, u veri kao pei

[17:44:53] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 赫赫 你兰扒鸡
[17:45:10] u 鸡ba
[17:45:19] chicken cutlet?
[17:45:27] omg
[17:45:31] chicken cutlet
[17:45:40] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 来吧.. 口交五元
[17:45:54] fuck loras from hk
[17:46:03] andy u where blind
[17:46:04] u go hk fuck him lor
[17:46:17] 口交五元 are u sure?
[17:46:26] ur mom 5 $
[17:46:30] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 是的

lun wants to offer BJ for $5

[17:46:35] 来来。。。 来我的游戏 顺便装洞我 多一点鸟。多一点运气!
[17:46:39] what's kou jiao wu yuan?
[17:46:40] i pay u

obviously, a serious noob needs to be kicked out of the room
[17:46:43] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 我给你五元
[17:46:46] mean blowjob $5
[17:46:46] fuck u
[17:46:47] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 好吗?
[17:46:49] hao
[17:46:51] so many china bastards
[17:46:54] suck my diock

He meant dick

[17:47:00] china bastard?
[17:47:05] i onli saw one
[17:47:13] i think the nick is  taurosang
[17:47:20] smlj

and LUN getting PISSED

[17:48:05] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 追后一个白痴
[17:48:29] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 找一个白痴很难吗?
[17:48:38] they are CHINA bitches
[17:48:52] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> speak chinese means china bitch meh
[17:49:01] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> beh gan
[17:49:09] my cock black de lei
[17:49:16] .
[17:49:23] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> they call my cock the hulk


[17:49:29] fuck me please if u can find me
[17:49:33] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> who kena confirm sit wheel chair @least 3 days
[17:49:38] Shut up la andy
[17:49:39] i c le my face nian green green
[18:25:08] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 喔~


[18:25:23] 一点鸟,一点运气,我的游戏
[18:25:25] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 你是我的花朵~

a song...find it in youtube:)
[18:25:42] 你是我的鸟

LUN starts to sing

[18:26:10] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 
我的熱情 好像一把火!
[18:26:18] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 燃燒了整個沙漠
[18:26:23] 来鸟我
[18:26:27] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 太陽見了我 也會躲著我 
[18:26:33] <.|3lacKd|2eaMs> 它也會怕我這把愛情的火 
[18:27:32] 我的熱鸟 ,燃燒了你的熱情

another song...a damn retro one:)

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